Dining Partners
The following Dining Partners have committed to support Algonquin Arts Theatre. Please consider them when dining before the show, after the show or anytime!
Some partners have extended a special offer to Algonquin patrons. Offer details are listed below. Restrictions and blackout dates may apply. Contact individual dining partners for specific information and terms.

Shore Foodie
Your Guide to Food, Drink & Entertainment, ShoreFoodie.com
About the Offer: The organizers of the biannual Jersey Shore Restaurant Week includes restaurant profiles, menu and reservation links for 100+ restaurants. Search their Special Offers by cuisine, drink, entertainment and geography.

Brandl Steakhouse
703 Belmar Plaza, Belmar
Information & Reservations: 732-280-7501 brandlrestaurant.com

Kneaded By Lady J
713 Riverview Drive, Brielle
Information: 732-592-9229 kneadedbyladyj.com

Norton's Main Scoop
140 Main Street, Manasquan
Information: 732-223-3594 nortonsmainscoop.com

Paramount Diner
130 Main Street, Manasquan
Information: 732-722-8242 Paramount Diner on Facebook

Qua Pizza
179 Main Street, Manasquan
Information: 732-223-3388 quapizza.com

601 Union Ave, Brielle
Reservations/Information: 732-561-8510 rellastavern.com

The Committed Pig
165 Main Street, Manasquan
About the Offer: (Awaiting re-opening in former Maria's location)
Information: 800-908-4960 thecommittedpig.com/

The Irish Rail
229 East Main Street (at the Train Station), Manasquan
Information: 732-223-9300 theirishrail.com

The Lobster Shanty
81 Channel Drive, Point Pleasant Beach
Information: 732-899-6700 pointpleasantlobstershanty.com/

The Salty Whale & Guesthouse
390 East Main Street, Manasquan
Information: 732-592-3344 thesaltywhale.com

Waypoint 622
622 Green Avenue, Brielle
About the Offer: Open year round. Check website for winter & summer hours. Waypoint 622 has a seasonal liquor license.
Reservations/Information: 732-528-6665 waypoint622.com

Wharfside Restaurant & Patio Bar
101 Channel Drive, Point Pleasant Beach
Information: 732-892-9100 wharfsidenj.com
Interested in becoming a Dining Partner? Please contact 732-528-9211 or [email protected].