Press Releases
Shayne Austin Miller, Director of Marketing and Communications
(732) 528-3735
[email protected]
First Time Ever Hip-Hop & Breakin' Events in Manasquan, NJ: Cash Prize to be Awarded
Place: Algonquin Arts Theatre
Free Breakin� Battle: Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 5:30 pm
Free to the Public
olive Dance Theatre�s Main Stage Performance:
Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 8 pm
Adults-$29 Seniors-$27 Students/Children-$20
Algonquin Arts Box Office: 732-528-9211
Manasquan, NJ - Algonquin Arts in Manasquan, NJ in collaboration with olive Dance Theatre, a Philadelphia based hip-hop and breakin� dance company, will be featuring a week�s worth of hip-hop and breakin� events at Algonquin Arts Theatre the week of August 17th.
From Monday, August 17th to Friday, August 21st, the ever-popular ShoreDance returns to the Jersey Shore, where individuals have the opportunity to train with a professional dance company. This year, olive Dance Theatre will be teaching a week-long series of hip-hop and breakin� workshops. All ages and dance levels are welcome to participate. Classes are divided according to levels of expertise and range from beginner/intermediate to intermediate/advanced. Students have the option of registering for a single day�s class or the entire week�s worth of classes. Registration is taking place now. For more information or to register, please contact the Education Department at 732-528-9224.
Then, on Thursday, August 20th at 5:30 pm, a Northeast Regional Breakin� Battle will be hosted outside in the Algonquin Arts theatre parking lot with music mixed by DJ ILLliterate. This event offers dancers the opportunity to show off their breakin� skills, and audience members can cheer them on. Those not competing will also have the opportunity to participate in a jam circle. Breakers from the Northeast can register for this event for free by calling 732-528-9224. This event is free to the public, and a cash prize will be available for the winner. Refreshments will also be on sale at this event.
Finally, on Saturday, August 22nd at 8:00 pm, olive Dance Theatre will be performing Swift Solos on the Algonquin Arts stage. This performance is an evening-length series of vignettes based on the choreographic legacy of seminal breakin� innovator, Ken Swift. The audience will be spellbound by this groundbreaking performance that showcases gravity-defying poses and a fusion of dancing. Tickets are $29 for adults, $27 for seniors, and $20 for students and children.
The Philadelphia Inquirer applauded olive Dance Theatre, stating, �If this is where hip-hop is going, hold on tight for the ride.� And Dance Magazine calls olive Dance Theatre, �Exhilarating.�
For more information about any of these events, contact the Education Department at Algonquin Arts at 732-528-9224. To reserve seats for the main stage performance or find out about other performances at
Algonquin Arts, contact the box office at 732-528-9211, [email protected], or visit www.algonquinarts.org. Box office hours are Monday-Friday from 9 am to 5 pm and Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm.
Algonquin Arts is conveniently located at 173 Main Street in downtown Manasquan, NJ.
olive Dance Theatre/�Swift Solos: The Reconstruction of Ken Swift�s 20th Century Breakin�� was made possible by the National Endowment for the Arts� American Masterpieces: Dance initiative, administered by the New England Foundation for the Arts. ShoreDance is partially supported by a grant from Pennsylvania Performing Arts on Tour, a program developed and funded by the Heinz Endowments; the William Penn Foundation; the Pennsylvannia Council on the Arts, a state agency; and The Pew Charitable Trusts; and administered by Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation.
Algonquin Arts was founded in 1992 as a nonprofit organization to provide cultural enrichment and educational enhancement of the highest quality for the residents of New Jersey�s central region. Programming of Algonquin Arts is made possible as a result of the continued philanthropic support of private citizens and organizations such as New Jersey State Council on the Arts, OceanFirst Foundation, New Jersey Cultural Trust, Horizon Foundation for New Jersey, PNC Foundation, Manasquan Savings Bank, Woman�s Club of Brielle, Bank of America, Frank and Lydia Bergen Foundation, Investors Savings Bank Charitable Fund, Verizon Foundation, Janice & Jules Plangere III, as well as many generous individuals and local businesses.